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Importance of “Repair fund” of mansion

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When purchasing a mansion (condominium or apartment) in Japan, the repair fund, also known as a reserve fund or maintenance fund, is a critical aspect to consider. The repair fund is a pool of money set aside by the condominium management association or building management company to cover future repairs, renovations, and maintenance of the shared areas and facilities within the complex.

You may feel lucky if the monthly payment of repair fund is cheap when you are purchasing a mansion, but if it is lower than as it should be, there will be a big future risk.

Here are some reasons why the repair fund is important:

-Shared Facility Maintenance: In a mansion, various amenities and facilities, such as elevators, common areas, roofs, and building exteriors, are shared by all the unit owners. The repair fund ensures that there are sufficient funds to maintain and repair these shared facilities over time.

-Long-Term Planning: The repair fund allows for effective long-term planning for major repairs or replacements that are not covered by regular maintenance fees. It helps prevent sudden financial burdens on individual owners when major repairs are needed.

-Preserving Property Value: Proper maintenance is essential for maintaining the overall value of the property. A well-maintained building and common areas are more attractive to potential buyers or renters, and this can positively impact the property’s resale or rental value.

-Legal Requirement: In Japan, there are legal requirements for condominium management associations to establish and maintain a repair fund. The amount of contributions to the fund is typically determined based on the size and type of the building, as well as the estimated costs of future repairs.

-Emergency Repairs: Unexpected emergencies, such as damage caused by natural disasters or accidents, may require immediate repairs. Having a repair fund ensures that there are funds available to address such urgent situations promptly.

-Avoiding Special Assessments: Without a sufficient repair fund, the management association might need to levy special assessments on unit owners to cover major repair costs. These special assessments can be financially burdensome and may cause disputes among residents.

-Peace of Mind: Knowing that there is a well-funded repair reserve gives residents peace of mind that the building will be properly maintained and that their investment is protected.


If we talk about the legal lifetime of mansion, it is 47 years for standard RC and SRC made building according to the Japanese building standard law. But it is said that the building can be practically used for more than 100 years if the repairs, renovations, and maintenance of the building are done property.

The concept of modern apartments or mansions in Japan began to gain popularity after World War II due to the increased urbanization and housing demands. The first apartment buildings that resembled what is now referred to as “mansions” were built around the 1950s.

As for the average building age of mansions in Japan, it can vary significantly depending on the specific area and the building’s maintenance and renovation history. Many older mansions still exist and are in use, while others have been torn down or rebuilt. However, currently the mansions in Japan could be around 30 to 40 years old on average. So it can be imagined that after 20 – 30 years, there will be many mansions which ages are 50-60 years.

If we think to reconstruct a mansion in Japan, it needs to be complied with certain conditions and obtain approvals from the building association and relevant authorities. Basically, 4/5 association members should agree on the reconstruction, otherwise the reconstruction cannot be done. Even if it was agreed from the association members, specific requirements may vary depending on the location and local regulations.


Here are some common conditions that are generally required for reconstruction:

-Architectural Plans: You will need to hire a licensed architect to create detailed architectural plans for the reconstruction. These plans should comply with local building codes and zoning regulations.

-Building Permits: You must obtain building permits from the local government or municipality. The permit application process may involve submitting the architectural plans, construction details, and other relevant documentation for approval.

-Compliance with Building Codes: Ensure that the reconstruction adheres to the building codes and standards set by the government. This includes regulations related to safety, fire prevention, structural integrity, and energy efficiency.

-Environmental Regulations: You might need to adhere to environmental regulations, especially if the mansion is located in environmentally sensitive areas like coastal regions or near forests.

-Historical Preservation: If the mansion has historical significance or is located in a designated historical area, you may have to comply with additional preservation guidelines.

-Height and Boundary Regulations: Check the height restrictions and boundary regulations in the area to ensure the reconstruction does not violate any limits.

-Waste Disposal: Have a plan for waste disposal during the reconstruction process and after completion.

-Community Consultation: In some cases, you may need to consult with the local community or obtain their consent for the reconstruction, especially if the project might affect the neighborhood significantly.

-Financial and Legal Obligations: Be prepared to fulfill any financial and legal obligations related to the reconstruction, such as taxes, insurance, and contractual agreements.


Considered these hurdles of reconstructing mansion in Japan, it is not easy to rebuild a mansion although the building age exceeded the legal lifetime year.

To keep the practical lifetime of mansion longer as much as possible, repairs, renovations, and maintenance are mandatory.

In conclusion, when purchasing a mansion in Japan, it’s essential to review the condominium documents and financial statements to understand the status of the repair fund. Assessing the adequacy of the repair fund can help you make an informed decision about the overall financial health of the building and potential future expenses.

Please consult with REDS to ensure that you are well-informed about all aspects of the property’s maintenance and financial obligations before making your purchase.





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●ご存じですか? 不動産売買の仲介手数料はすべて割引!さらには無料になることを ●ご存じですか? 不動産売買の仲介手数料はすべて割引!さらには無料になることを


  • 40代男性(マンション売却)
  • 50代女性(マンション購入)
    担当の鈴木朋子さんには、本当に親切にしていただき感謝しかないです。 いつも私たちの目線になり、分かりやすいアドバイスをしてくださりました!子供への気遣いも嬉しかったです。 何より、鈴木さんの表裏のない感じが私も夫も大好きです。(笑)
    不動産購入で後悔したくない方、安心して物件探しや手続きを進めたい方にはぜひお勧めしたいです! お世話になり、本当にありがとうございました。
  • 40代男性(中古マンション購入)

  • 40代女性(住み替え:購入・売却)
    担当の鈴木さんの明るく、お茶目な人柄も好きだったので、購入売却にかかる庶務も憂うつにならずに対応できました。 いつも家族のことや、部屋についてもポジティブなことを言ってくれるので安心してお任せしました。
  • 50代男性(マンション売却)
  • 30代女性(マンション購入)
    担当してくれた方は非常に業界に通じており、ホスピタリティーに溢れていてかなり信用できます。 他社と比べて手数料もとても安いのでオススメの会社です。
  • 60代男性(戸建て購入)





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